4-1. Calendar alarm overview

* Synchronization with Google Calendar has been discontinued as of March 31, 2021.

cloudiss is able to sync with Google Calendar and set alarms at the starting time of the first event on each day(*). See the below image for examples.
* Alarms are created for the next 7 days during each update (synchronizing with Google Calendar).

screenshot of Calender alarm overview

In this example, cloudiss is set to synchronize from 8:00am to 12:00pm* (you can change this period) with the calendar and if there are events that start during this period, an alarm is set at the time of the first event of  each day. *e.g. an event that starts 7:59am is not synchronized but an event that starts at 12:00pm is synchronized in this example.

You can also set alarm offset hours to create alarms before the event’s starting time.
e.g. In the above case, Monday’s first event starts at 10:00 and the offset is 2 hours, so the cloudiss app will set the alarm for 8:00am.